How to Convert DWG to PDF/DXF to PDF Files?

Any DWG and DXF to PDF Converter is the most complete solution for businesses needing fast, reliable DWG/DXF to PDF conversion. It allows you to convert DWG to PDF, DXF to PDF and DWF to PDF directly without need of AutoCAD. The same times, it is the fast, affordable way that cost you little to get DWG files converted in professional-quality. Also it supports batch conversion that you can easily convert DWG, DXF and DWF files into vector PDF files with amazing speed and quality.

Step 1. After download and install the software, you can drag/drop or click the button "Add Files..." or "Add Folder..." to add files need to be converted. You are allowed to remove one or all files by clicking "Remove Selected" or "Remove All" button.

Add DWG/DXF Files

Step 2. Click the button "Options" for detailed settings including Output PDF sizes/colors/quality, SHX Directories, Output Layout as well as Line Width (Pen Width) as needed.

Output Settings

Step 3. Choose output format and folder. You can click "Browser..." to specify an output folder to save converted DWG/DXF files.

Choose Output Format and Folder

Step 4. Click "Convert Now" to start conversion.

Start Conversion

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